Get Graphic

The Central Library had just gotten our new adult speculative fiction book group up and running when we needed to suspend our in-person programming.
So, we are adapting with the times and taking The “What if…” Society online! To ensure everyone has access to the reading material, we are putting aside our novels for now and moving to short stories.

What’s a graphic novel and manga fan to do without access to the library? Not to worry, we've got you covered!

Looking for ways to incorporate graphic novels into your classroom or book group but short on time? Check out these websites that have lesson plans and discussion questions created to get you started.
Cartoonist, writer, and educator, Lynda Barry, is known for her conviction that everyone is capable of creating art. She helps people tap into the creative energy through her teaching practice at community workshops as well as her classes at the University of Madison-Wisconsin where she is an associate professor of interdisciplinary creativity.

As part of the The Toronto Comic Arts Festival, Beguiling Books and Art is hosting a free Librarian and Educator Day, with Keynote Speaker, Raina Telegemeier.
Friday May, 10th, 2019, 8am- 4pm
TCAF Librarian & Educator Day is a day of programming aimed at teachers, teacher-librarians, librarians, library workers and collection managers who want to know more about incorporating comics and graphic novels into their collections.