Get Graphic

Join us, via zoom, to hear Cathy Camper talk about her graphic novel series, Lowriders in Space.
Thursday, September 22, 5:00-6:00 pm (EST)
Check out our Teen Blog to learn more and register for this fun event!

Unfortunately, the MoCCA Arts Fest, Manhattan's largest independent comics and cartoon festival, cannot be held in-person this year but you can still participate from afar with their virtual offerings.
Their virtual programs, running April 12 - 17, are free to view and in EST. Additionally, check out the Society of Illustrators, the organization who has produced this festival since 2013.
Diversity Comic-Con is a two-day event celebrating multi-culturalism in the comic arts, held online Friday, October 16 and Saturday, October 17. Registration is free!

Join the Banned Books Week Coalition and the National Council of Teachers of English at 5:00 p.m. CDT on September 28 for a special Banned Books Week Facebook Live event with author Gene Luen Yang (American Born Chinese, Boxers & Saints, Dragon Hoops)!
During this hourlong event, Yang will converse with NCTE member leaders Henry “Cody” Miller and Jung Kim, as well as moderators Lisa Fink (NCTE) and Karen Evans (Education Coordinator, CBLDF) about the censorship of his work, examine the importance of diverse literature, and discuss the use of comics in classrooms. You’ll have a chance to ask your questions during a short Q&A.
How will this work?

Take part in this free Booklist webinar, Friday July 24, at 1:00 CST, to learn more about some great middle grade and young adult graphic novels. Can't make the date? Register for zoom webinar and watch it later.

Are you an educator or librarian looking to learn more about graphic novels? A Crash Course in Graphic Novels, sponsored by NoveList and LibraryReads, will get you started.
Tuesday, June 9, 2-3:00 pm
Can't make the date? You can register and have the link to the recording emailed to you.

The Central Library had just gotten our new adult speculative fiction book group up and running when we needed to suspend our in-person programming.
So, we are adapting with the times and taking The “What if…” Society online! To ensure everyone has access to the reading material, we are putting aside our novels for now and moving to short stories.

Feeling bummed about comic shops being closed for Free Comic Book Day? While you wait for your favorite local comic book store to reopen, tune into the Alt Free Comic Book Day, a virtual event filled with free digital books, panels and creators. May 1 & 2.

BookCon hosted a day-long event of author appearances in support of local book stores. Although the event was predominantly comprised of young adult novel authors, there were a few graphic novel authors and artists who read from their work and answered questions.