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Tirade of the Tomes

book covers for books listed in the blog

EDIT: This program is FULL. 

Are you disappointed that Battle of the Books was canceled this year? Join Central's Tirade of the Tomes, hosted by Central's Teen Advisory Group!

If you are unfamiliar with this event, let me tell you how it works. We will split the participant list into two teams. You pick up a set of books from the Central library, read the books, and join us for online practices. You will answer questions about things that happen in the books and the teams will compete against each other in August. Whatever team gets the most questions correct, wins! 

Tirade of the Tomes is a smaller, gentler sibling to our usual system-wide program. We will be ironing out some of the details as we go along but if you're willing to take this slightly bumpy, but surely joyful journey with us, please sign up. I guarantee it will be super fun and full of awesome people.

The Nuts and Bolts