Leroy R. Coles, Jr. Branch Library

Library Info
1187 E. Delavan Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14215
United States
Located west of Eggert Road on East Delavan Avenue, near the intersection of Bailey Avenue, next to the Bank of America. Wheelchair accessible. Parking lot available.
NFTA Bus Route: 19 & 26
NFTA Trip Planner
Public Access Computers Available: 34 public access computers and 2 scanners; 4 children's computers; 7 laptops for in-house use; 3 catalog computers. All networked (printing 10-cents B&W per page; 25-cents color) Microsoft Office Applications, Internet Access, Misc. "What can I do at a Public Access Computer?" Black and white photocopies are available at 15 cents each. Also, Mobile Printing.
What’s Happening
Leroy R. Coles, Jr. Branch Library
Our hours will be changing starting September 9th, 2024. The new schedule will be as follows:
Monday: 10-6p
Tuesday: 10-6p
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 12-8p
Friday: 10-6p
Saturday: 9-5p
Sunday: Closed
One-on-One Tech Help Available
Need help doing something on your phone, tablet, laptop, or our public computers? We can help you make a resume, upload documents to websites, browse social media, or set up an email account, among other things.
Walk-in computer help available on Thursdays from 2-4p. Appointments are available by request. Stop by or call us today at 716-896-4433.
Please note: We cannot diagnose or fix broken devices. Make sure to bring chargers and accessories if you want to use your own device. We recommend writing down passwords for important accounts.
Telehealth Booth Available
Need somewhere to take a confidential call or Zoom meeting? The telehealth booth located in the lower-level meeting room is a sound muffled booth, that will provide privacy for phone and video calls that require it, such as telehealth appointments, proctored tests, and job interviews.
Booth available by appointment only. Call us or come in to make an appointment.
If you are a healthcare provider interested in partnering with us to use the telehealth booth for your patients, please contact the Leroy R. Coles, Jr. Branch Library at (716) 896-4433.
Come Visit Us
Located west of Eggert Road on East Delavan Avenue, near the intersection of Bailey Avenue, next to the Bank of America. Wheelchair accessible. Parking lot available.
The Leroy R. Coles, Jr. Branch Meeting Room is currently AVAILABLE! Please call us at 716-896-4433 or stop in to inquire about using it.
Public Access Computers: 33 public access computers, including 1 catalog computer, a computer lab of 12 adult-only computers, two express scanner computers and 5 public access laptops (in-house use only, library card required).
Printing is $.25/color page and $.10/B&W page.
Photocopying is $.15/page, B&W only.
Faxing is $1.75 for the first page and $1.00 for each additional page after that. Cover pages count as a page.
Please note that this location does not have an email to forward prints to. You will need to log into one of our computer stations to print.
Attention Job Seekers: See the Library's Job & Career Resources
Follow us on Facebook to keep up to date on our events, meetings, and programs!
Library System Information on the Board of Trustees
The Buffalo & Erie County Public Library System Board of Trustees is the governing body for the downtown Central Library, and the eight branch libraries located in the city of Buffalo. These include: Crane, Dudley, East Clinton, Leroy R. Coles, Jr., Frank E. Merriweather, Jr., Niagara, North Park and the Riverside Branch Libraries.
All System Board of Trustee meetings and committee meetings are open to the public
To see monthly board meeting schedules, agendas and minutes, click here.
Board Info
Buffalo Branches Board Info
Library System Information on the Board of Trustees
The Buffalo & Erie County Public Library System Board of Trustees is the governing body for the downtown Central Library, and the eight branch libraries located in the city of Buffalo. These include: Crane, Dudley, East Clinton, Frank E. Merriweather, Jr., North Park, Elaine M. Panty Branch Library, Isaías González-Soto Branch Library, and the Leroy R. Coles, Jr. Branch Library.
All System Board of Trustee meetings and committee meetings are open to the public