Dudley Branch Library

Library Info
2010 South Park Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14220
United States
Located on the corner of South Park Avenue and Whitfield Street; four blocks south of Tifft Street and approximately one mile north of Ridge Road. Wheelchair accessible, parking lot available.
NFTA Bus Route: 16
NFTA Trip Planner
- Public Access Computers:
14 public access computers and 2 full colors scanners
6 children's computers
3 laptops for in-house use (includes 1 Skype laptop)
2 online catalog computers, one which can be used as an express Internet station
Microsoft Office Applications, Buffalo Public Schools Remote Desktop, "What can I do at a Public Access Computer?" - Public Fax Machine
- Networked printing
- Black and white photocopier
- Internet Access, WiFi, Misc.
- Meeting Room
- Ongoing booksale in community room
- Request items from other libraries
- Mobile Printing
Fee Structure:
- Requests: No Fees
- Printing: $.10 for black and white, $.25 for color
- Copier: $.15 for standard paper, $.30 for legal paper
- Fax Machine: $1.75 for the first page and an additional $1 for each additional page (2 pages for $2.75, 3 pages for $3.75, etc.)
What’s Happening
Board Info
Buffalo Branches Board Info
Library System Information on the Board of Trustees
The Buffalo & Erie County Public Library System Board of Trustees is the governing body for the downtown Central Library, and the eight branch libraries located in the city of Buffalo. These include: Crane, Dudley, East Clinton, Frank E. Merriweather, Jr., North Park, Elaine M. Panty Branch Library, Isaías González-Soto Branch Library, and the Leroy R. Coles, Jr. Branch Library.
All System Board of Trustee meetings and committee meetings are open to the public