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Dudley Branch Library

Dudley Branch Library
    Library Info

    2010 South Park Ave.
    Buffalo, NY 14220
    United States

    Zoe Grimes, Branch Manager


    Located on the corner of South Park Avenue and Whitfield Street; four blocks south of Tifft Street and approximately one mile north of Ridge Road. Wheelchair accessible, parking lot available.

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    NFTA Bus Route: 16
    NFTA Trip Planner


    • Public Access Computers:
      14 public access computers and 2 full colors scanners
      6 children's computers
      3 laptops for in-house use (includes 1 Skype laptop)
      2 online catalog computers, one which can be used as an express Internet station
      Microsoft Office Applications, Buffalo Public Schools Remote Desktop, "What can I do at a Public Access Computer?"
    • Public Fax Machine
    • Networked printing
    • Black and white photocopier
    • Internet Access, WiFi, Misc.
    • Meeting Room
    • Ongoing booksale in community room
    • Request items from other libraries
    • Mobile Printing

    Fee Structure:

    • Requests: No Fees
    • Printing: $.10 for black and white, $.25 for color
    • Copier: $.15 for standard paper, $.30 for legal paper
    • Fax Machine: $1.75 for the first page and an additional $1 for each additional page (2 pages for $2.75, 3 pages for $3.75, etc.)
    • Buffalo Branches Board Info

      Library System Information on the Board of Trustees

      The Buffalo & Erie County Public Library System Board of Trustees is the governing body for the downtown Central Library, and the eight branch libraries located in the city of Buffalo. These include: Crane, Dudley, East Clinton,  Frank E. Merriweather, Jr., North Park, Elaine M. Panty Branch Library, Isaías González-Soto Branch Library, and the Leroy R. Coles, Jr. Branch Library.

      All System Board of Trustee meetings and committee meetings are open to the public

      Monthly board meeting schedules, agendas and minutes.