Seed Library
The Seed Library downtown was created to help nurture and support Urban Gardeners here in Buffalo. Our goal is to build a collection of seeds to share that reflect our culturally diverse city, showcase our beautiful native species, and feed our communities with home grown produce. By offering a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers, we hope to foster a community of gardeners at all levels who can work together to create a more vibrant, living city. We offer both seeds and educational programming to help spread the joy of growing your own plants from scratch.
How to Borrow
You may borrow up to 4 packets. Seeds are organized alphabetically by common name (vegetables, flowers, and herbs will be in separate drawers) and they will be marked by color for ease of see saving. Check out seeds in-person with the Launch Pad staff.
Why to Save and Return?
While we don’t require that you bring seeds back each year, by saving your seeds you’re helping other members of the community to grow their own gardens. Seed Saving is a time honored technique that has helped people nurture the perfect crops for thousands of years. By saving your seeds and bringing them back to the seed library you’re helping the library and your community by:
1. Building Biodiversity
2. Developing seedss that are best suited to our relatively short, cold growing season.
3. Saving Money
4. Building a network of community gardens and growers.
5. Sharing your favorite plants with others.
6. Creating a culture of sharing and abundance.
If you can’t save and return seeds, you can always help us grow the library by donating a few packets of fresh, open pollinated, non-hybrid (usually labeled as ‘hybrid’ ‘VF’ or ‘F1’) non-GMO seeds. We are able to keep the seed library open thanks mainly to donations from the community and would like to continue to be self-sustaining.
Thank you to Our Sponsors