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Disability Resources

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Gale Health and Wellness
Health-focused magazines, reference, video, and more. NOVELny

Gale LegalForms
Articles on leadership and management, and more.

Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine
Find full-text of nursing and allied health journals plus a variety of disability-related articles.  Virtual Tour

Gale: Accessibility and Support for All Learners Virtual Tour

Medline Plus  
This is a comprehensive medical site from the National Library of Medicine. Find information on diseases and medications, links to directories of hospitals, physicians and organizations, and to other medical sites from the federal government.  Additional information is available on disabilities plus access to articles from the National Institute of Health, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Social Security Administration, the American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, et al.  Virtual Tour

Reference Solutions (formerly Reference USA): Health Care
Includes 855,000 physician and dentist listings throughout the U.S.



CSD - Communication Service for the Deaf
Deaf advocacy focusing on self-perception, job and career opportunities and making connections between deaf communities. SSDI and SSI benefits for people with disabilities. Learn about Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Home Safety Self Assessment Tool                                                                                                                                                                                  The Occupational Therapy Geriatric Group at the University at Buffalo created the Home Safety Self Assessment Tool, as a part of combined effort with the Community Health Foundation of Western and Central New York to disseminate information regarding how to prevent falls in Erie County, NY.

National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)
NIDCD’s mission areas are hearing, balance, taste, smell, voice, speech, and language. Find the latest information, guidelines and research here.

New York State
State website that brings you local resources. Best used to find benefit eligibility and statistics.

NYS Justice Center
The Justice Center is committed to supporting and protecting the health, safety, and dignity of all people with special needs and disabilities through advocacy of their civil rights, prevention of mistreatment, and investigation of all allegations of abuse and neglect so that appropriate actions are taken.

NYS Help Hub For Families
Access helpful health, education human service and disability information on one user-friendly website. Built for youth, parents, family members and caregivers that rely on support and services from multiple child and family serving systems.

NYS Talking Book and Braille Library (TBBL)
The New York State Talking Book and Braille Library (TBBL) lends audio and braille books and magazines to eligible residents of upstate New York who have a qualifying print disability.

Social Security Administration                                                                                                                                                                                              SSDI and SSI benefits for people with disabilities. Learn about Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
With just a few clicks, visitors can find critical information on a variety of topics, including benefits, civil rights, community life, education, emergency preparedness, employment, housing, health, technology and transportation.

Community and Local Links

Aspire of WNY
Since 1947, Aspire (formerly United Cerebral Palsy Association) has served individuals with cerebral palsy, intellectual disabilities, epilepsy, autism and other neurological impairments. Aspire provides services and support to persons who are challenged physically and cognitively as a result of traumatic brain injuries, strokes, hearing and visual impairments, as well as other disabling conditions.

Assistive Technology Training Resources (Buffalo Area) New York State Commission for the Blind
Private assistive technology tutors in the Buffalo area. 

Center for Assistive Technology Client Service Programs University at Buffalo
We provide education, training, demonstration and referral services to people of all ages in Western New York and surrounding areas. We increase awareness and use of Assistive Technology (AT) devices and services for employment, education and independent living.

Central Referral (2-1-1 WNY)
Find health and human services throughout the eight counties of WNY. Also home to DDInfolink, your direct link to services to persons with developmental disability. Search by agency, type of service or location. Results will lead to contact and eligibililty information as well as to agency websites where available.

Community Services for Every 1
Offers support, service coordination, training, transportation and housing options throughout Western New York.

Deaf Access Services
Deaf Access Services is committed to creating a bridge between the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Hearing Communities through advocacy, education, case management, counseling and interpreting services that govern equal access, symbolizing the accords of culturally affirmative principles in championing the rights of the Deaf.

Developmental Disabilities Alliance of WNY 
A collaborative group of member voluntary agencies that provide services to people with developmental disabilities. Find links to member sites, and up-to-date events calendar. Includes a downloadable, printable guide to area services.

Erie County Early Intervention Program
Resource for any child from birth to age three with a developmental delay, disability or condition that affects development that may need help.

Erie County Office for People with Disabilities
Referrals, advocacy, accessible parking permits in Erie County
Paratransit Access Line (PAL) service is a shared ride service that provides origin-to-destination transportation for paratransit eligible individuals under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Recreation and Leisure Services Directory
A resource compiled by the Parent Network of WNY for individuals with disabilities and families. This directory is intended to assist users in finding physical, social and creative opportunities to enrich one’s life.

Parent Network of WNY
Links people with the information and resources they need concerning disabilities, community resources, available services, and schools.

People, Inc.
Serving the eight counties of WNY, People, Inc. provides services for children and young adults, community outreach, day programs, vocational services, family support and respite services, health care, information referral, residential services, and senior services.

Self-Advocacy Association of New York State
Helps set up local self-advocacy chapters, re-energizes existing groups, and shares information on local and national self-advocacy issues. It can also help the individual join a local self-advocacy group, plus provide free speakers to local groups, thus enhancing understanding and promoting independence.

Visually Impaired Advancement (VIA)
VIA: pathways for the visually impaired is a nonprofit rehabilitation and social services agency committed to people who are experiencing vision loss whose mission is to assist people who are visually impaired to achieve their highest level of independence. VIA provides tools, education, rehabilitation, job training, job placement, and support for people of all ages.

Western New York Independent Living
The WNYIL family of agencies is a multicultural, grassroots, peer directed, civil rights organization that provides a full range of assistance programs and services to enhance the quality of life for all individuals with disabilities.


Library Materials

In 2024, the Central Library received a generous donation of Adult, Youth, and Children’s Braille books that have not yet been cataloged. You can view a full spreadsheet of these titles here. These materials are available for borrowing by contacting Jacob Rachwal, System Adult Outreach Services at

Click on the following topics for a quick search in the Library's Catalog.

Barrier-Free Design
Developmental Disabilities 
Disability Resource Directories
Employment Resources for people with disabilities
Hearing Disorders
Laws & legal issues
Sports and recreation for people with disabilities


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