Newstead Public Library
Welcome to the Newstead Public Library!
Please visit us on:
Monday 12 - 8 pm
Tuesday 10 am - 5 pm
Wednesday 12 - 8 pm
Friday 10 am - 5 pm
Saturday 10 am - 3 pm
Look at the Calendar to the right for Library Programs and Activities! Click on dates for detailed program information.
March Calendar of Events!
STEM Activity kits to borrow!
Build a flying saucer, learn about electromagnetism and have FUN with science!
Kits may be borrowed for 7 days
Virtual Programs - Join us for virtual FUN!!! Videos can be found on the Newstead Public Library Facebook page and YouTube channel.
In the Kitchen with Val - Check our Newstead Public Library youtube channel for lots of good recipes and baking tips!
The system has a new portal for exclusively Virtual Programs throughout the system. The link is provided below.
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library comes to Akron. Give a preschool child the gift of reading. This is a free gift to your child. Each month a new, carefully selected book will be mailed in your child's name directly to your home for Free! This program is made possible through the generosity of Bank on Buffalo and supported by the Friends of the Newstead Public Library. Here's how to get started:
- Be a resident of the Akron School District
- For children from birth to age 5
- Submit a registration form
- Read with your child and have fun!
Simply fill out the registration form available at the library or enroll on-line at