Library by Mail

Monday through Friday 8 am. – 4 p.m.
Homebound? Check out our new Library by Mail program!
Library by Mail is a free service from the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library that brings library materials to the homebound through the mail on a long-term or short-term basis.
Library by Mail Online Application
Library by Mail Application (PDF)
Who can use Library by Mail?
Library by Mail can be used by any Erie County resident who is either temporarily or permanently unable to go to a physical library for reasons including:
- A lack of transportation
- A long-term or short-term disability making them homebound
- An illness making them homebound
What types of library material can be borrowed?
Anything you can check out from the physical library can be checked out with Library by Mail including:
- Books (regular and large print)
- Audiobooks
- International language materials
- Music CDs
- DVDs.
How do I sign up?
Complete and mail the application above to this address:
Library by Mail
Buffalo & Erie County Public Library
Central Library, 1 Lafayette Square Buffalo, NY 14203
For questions or more information please call 716-858-7126 or email
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