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Marilla Free Library

March Madness Tournament of Books.  Read select picture books, then vote to narrow down the list of contenders and crown the 2025 picture book champion. Each round you vote, your name will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a prize.  The list of titles is available at the library. Week three voting will run from March19th to March 25th, ballots are available at the library.  For more information stop by the library or call 716-652-7449.

Make a Peep House.  Registration is required. Fun with Peeps! Build a cozy graham cracker house for a candy Peep. Family fun event! Make a Peep House will be held on Saturday, April 12th at 11:00 am.  All materials will be provided.  Space is limited! Please call the library at 716-652-7449 to register or for more information.

Make a Peep House.  Registration is required. Fun with Peeps! Build a cozy graham cracker house for a candy Peep.  Family fun event! Make a Peep House will be held on Thursday, April 17th at 6:00 pm.  All materials will be provided.  Space is very limited! Please call the library at 716-652-7449 to register or for more information.

Individuals in need of an accommodation for any program listed above may contact the ADA Coordinator at within 7 days of a program.

Marilla Free Library Book Club

The book club meets in the library meeting room on the fourth Tuesday of the month.  They will be meeting on Tuesday, March 25th at 2:00 pm to discuss The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman. New members are always welcome.  For more information about joining, please call the library at 716-652-7449.

Individuals in need of an accommodation for any program listed above may contact the ADA Coordinator at within 7 days of a program.

Friends of the Library Meeting Information

The Friends of the Marilla Free Library will be having in-person meeting on Tuesday, April 8th at 7 pm.  New or interested members are welcome.  The meeting will be held at the Marilla Free Library.  Please call the library at 652-7449 for more information.    


Curbside and Walk-Up Service is still be available during open hours – please call the library at 652-7449 for more information or to schedule a pick up   Download PDF with more information on how to place an order. 

Previously record virtual programming, STEM and Arts & Crafts with Ms. Shannon are still available on Facebook 

 Past activities that can be found on our Facebook Page:  Magic Milk, Rubber Rainbow Eggs, Homemade Ice Cream, Make a Catapult, Cardboard Marble Run, Elephant Toothpaste, Rock Candy, Rainbow Rain, Inflate a Balloon with Pop Rocks, Exploding Baggie, Walking Water, Homemade Lava Lamp and Build a Tent for figurine

Past activities that can be found on our Facebook page:  Decorating Easter Eggs three different ways. We used Rice, Markers and Whip Cream. Simple Suncatchers  Spring Template(pdf), Make a Book, Window Painting, Mother's Day Craft, Race Car, Memorial Day Star Wreath, Bubble Art, Marble Paper Art, Play Stethoscope and Blood Pressure Cuff  Doctor Templates(pdf), Father's Day Crafts: Cards and Sharpie Marker Mugs, and a Light up Campfire, Shark Puppet Template(pdf), Gnome Hat Pattern(pdf)




Lawn Games

The Marilla Free Library has lawn games available for a 7-day loan period. 

We have Yardzee / Farkle, Bocce Ball, Jenga, Croquet, Viking Bowling, Kan Jam, and Ladder Ball. 

Items must be borrowed from and returned to the Marilla Free Library with an Adult Card.  Stop by the library or call for more information.

Croquet mallets and balls in the grass