Summer Reading List

Links are updated as they are received. If you are not guided to a school website that lists the updated year, please check with your school to verify the information.
If you do not see your school represented, please contact your school directly to acquire your school's current list. Your school may have assignments related to the reading list. Please check with your school for those details.
Educators Download PDF for instructions on how to have your school's reading list posted.
The City of Buffalo usually hosts the Reading Rules Summer Reading Challenge is open to any child in any public, parochial, private or charter school entering grades K-12 in any school district in Erie County. This list will be uploaded closer to the Summer 2025.
Many books on the Suggested Reading List can be found at Buffalo & Erie County Public Libraries.
The New York State Talking Book and Braille Library (TBBL) Book Lists offer a variety of titles about summer, adventure, nature, and wildlife. Lists are separated by reading level and organized by title in alphabetical order. Each title summary indicates whether titles are available in braille or audio format. To order titles, you may contact TBBL, request books through their online catalog, or download titles instantly through BARD. If you do not have a BARD account, please visit the BARD registration page.
Summer Reading Lists for 2025 will be added as the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library receives them from the schools. If you are looking for a list from 2024 or earlier please reach out to your desired school district.