Book Club in a Bag

The Buffalo and Erie County Public Library (B&ECPL) provides the books and all the information needed to have a great book discussion.
Each Book Club in a Bag kit contains 10 copies of the selected book, a large print edition (if available), an audiobook (if available), a reading guide and an information / contents sheet.
The titles include a mix of fiction and nonfiction, covering a broad range of genres and topics.
The bags are checked out for 6 weeks and can be returned to any B&ECPL location. Renewals are not allowed.
Kits are available through the B&ECPL's request system in the card catalog. If a kit is not available when you place your request, you may not receive it in time for your club's schedule.
Also available are Graphic Novel Classroom Kits containing 30 copies of the selected book, subject specific audio/visual material, a folder of support materials and an information/contents sheet.
Prefer and eBook or eAudiobook? See which of these titles are available on Overdrive.