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Bibliography: Book Groups

[Cover]The Book Club Companion: a Comprehensive Guide to the Reading Group Experience by Diana Loevy

Ideas for creating and running a successful book club. This book includes suggestions for titles, conversation starters and tips for keeping discussions lively, drink and food recipes and other ideas to make your group entertaining and enriching.



Book Clubs: Women and the Uses...Book Clubs: Women and the Uses of Reading in Everyday Life by Elizabeth Long

Tracking how this process works, long takes us on a guided tour of the book clubs themselves, from how they are formed and organized to how members choose which books to read. Through vivid examples, she shows how women use the literature to achieve personal insight and empowerment. She then turns her attention to the emergence of book clubs that are run through chain bookstores, television shows, and the internet, and considers the importance of such clubs for women as a broader cultural forum.


[Cover]Good Books Lately: the One-Stop Resource for Book Groups and Other Greedy Readers by Ellen Moore and Kira Stevens

This handbook is an insider's guide to creating and sustaining fun, stimulating book groups. It offers tips on how to start a group and keep it going, how to tell a book by its cover, how to elicit the best conversation, and thematic lists of recommended books, as well as survey results from other book groups around the country.


[Cover]Read ‘Em Their Writes: a Handbook for Mystery and Crime Book Discussions by Garry Warren Niehbur

A guide to the mystery genre for book clubs. This book explains how to organize your group, get participants, select book club titles, prepare for the meeting, and conduct discussions. It also presents ideas for discussions on 100 of the best mystery titles.


Reading Group Choices (now 2015):Reading Group Choices: Selections for Lively Book Discussions, 2015

Book suggestions for book clubs, plus discussion questions & ideas.



[Cover]The Reading Group Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Start Your Own Book Club by Rachel W. Jacobsohn

Book clubs and reading groups give fellow members the chance to break out of established reading patterns and learn adventurous approaches to creative material. With the help of The Reading Group Handbook, you'll get a definitive, step-by-step guide to starting your own book club, written by a professional reading group leader who has organized and lead groups--face-to-face and even on-line--for over twenty years.