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Patron Surveys

The Buffalo & Erie County Public Library System’s Goals and Objectives specifically call for measuring patron and employee satisfaction of library services and centralized resources. 
Surveys are administered throughout the year in various formats including hardcopy in libraries, online through the website and through social media posts.
Survey results provide the library with opinions and feedback on whether we are meeting the needs of the community.  Surveys focus on:

  • why patrons use the library;
  • whether Library programming is fun and beneficial to children and teens;
  • whether library programming is fun and beneficial to adults and families;
  • whether the Library’s collection of materials is meeting the needs of the community;
  • whether the Library’s databases are meeting the needs of the community;
  • whether the Library’s access to its resources is satisfactory;
  • whether our physical spaces are inviting and welcoming;
  • whether the Library’s website is informative and easy to use;
  • whether the Library’s Internet services are very good or excellent;
  • whether the Library’s computer training classes are beneficial;
  • whether the community is aware of the Library’s Rare & Special Collections; and
  • whether Library open hours are convenient.

Here are the surveys and results to date by calendar year:

Patron surveys 2024

Vote for an Eclipse T-Shirt Design, February 19, 2024 – February 22, 2024
411 responses, Download PDF of results
Download PDF of survey

Patron surveys 2023

Library Card Design, posted March 22, 2023 – July 4, 2023
886 responses, Download PDF of results
Download PDF of survey

Donor Survey, sent to donors, August 2023
100 responses, Download PDF of results
Download PDF of survey

Indie Author Day Survey, sent to attendees, November 2023
36 responses, Download PDF of results
Download PDF of survey 

Vote for Your Favorite Book of 2023, posted December 7, 2023 – December 26, 2023
160 responses, Download PDF of results
Download PDF of survey 

Public Survey fall 2023, posted December 28, 2023 – January 6, 2024
313 responses, Download PDF of results
Download PDF of survey 

Patron surveys 2022

Patron surveys 2022

Public Survey fall 2022, posted October 24, 2022 – January 5, 2023
958 responses, see results here 
Download PDF of survey 

Senior Expo public survey, October 20, 2022
90 responses, Download PDF of results
Download PDF of survey

Indie Author Day attendee survey
Distributed online in November 2022
Download PDF of 14 responses

Favorite Book, People’s Choice Awards survey
November & December 2022
63 responses, Download PDF of results 

Patron Surveys 2021 

Development & Communications Dept – Survey to staff, trustees and the public 
Posted November 13, 2021 
1184 responses, Download PDF of results
Download PDF of survey 

Vote For Your Favorite Book of 2021
Posted December 2, 2021
57 responses

Patron Surveys 2020

Bistro Bookers Survey
Posted in August 2020
65 responses, Download PDF of results
Distributed online and through social media September – October  2020 
6,101 responses, Download PDF of results
Indie Author Day 2020
Distributed via email in November 2020
17 responses, Download PDF of results
Vote For Your Favorite Book of 2020
Posted in December 2020
71 responses, Download PDF of results

Patron Surveys 2019

Patron Survey: Library Systems Five-Year Plan of Service public survey(pdf)
Distributed online and hardcopy in libraries in December 2018 through January 20, 2019
1220 responded - Download PDF of Results

Summer Reading Surveys 2019
Adult Survey(pdf) - 201 responses, Download PDF of results
Caregiver Survey(pdf) - 357 responses, Download PDF of results
Teen Survey(pdf) - 154 responses, Download PDF of results
Distributed to all 37 libraries and the bookmobile in summer 2019.

One Community One Book 2020  Survey 
Distributed online and hardcopy in libraries October/November 2019
682 responses, Download PDF of results
Download PDF of original survey 

Online Website Survey #1 – 2019
Teens, does the library have materials, services & programs that meet your needs? 
March 21, 2019 – July 2, 2019
226 votes
81% Yes (183 votes)
19% No (43 votes)

Online Website Survey #2 – 2019
When you enter your library, do you feel welcome?
July 2, 2019 – September 29, 2019
1,191 votes
93% Yes (1,107 votes)
7% No (84 votes)

Online Website Survey #3 – 2019
Did you know libraries work with hundreds of community partners? 
September 30, 2019 – December 4, 2019
355 votes
72 % Yes (257 votes)
28 % No (98 votes)

Online Website Survey #4 – 2019
Did you know we offer an eLibraryCard for those who just want to download books & music and use online resources? You must be 17 or over, call 716-858-8900 for details.
December 4, 2019 – December 30, 2019
126 votes
44% Yes (56 votes)
56% No (70 votes)

Patron Surveys 2018

Summer Reading Surveys 2018
Caregivers Survey(pdf)  - 408 responses, Download PDF of results
Adult Survey(pdf)  - 166 responses, Download PDF of results
Teen Survey(pdf)   - 151 responses, Download PDF of results
Distributed to all 37 libraries and the Bookmobile in the summer 2018

Online Website Survey #1 - 2018
Did you know that the library works with hundreds of community partners?
January 24, 2018 - March 25, 2018
343 votes
68% Yes (234 votes)
32% No (109 votes)

Online Website Survey #2 - 2018
Do you think the Library's collections of materials reflect the diversity of the local community?
March 26, 2018 - June 3, 2018
460 votes
84% Yes (385 votes)
16% No (75 votes)

Online Website Survey #3 - 2018
​Do library storytelling programs help to better prepare young children for school?
June 4, 2018 – September 4, 2018
753 votes
91% Yes (685 votes)
9% No (68 votes)

Online Website Survey #4 – 2018
Parents, teachers & caregivers… Do you feel the Library provides access to materials, services & programs that support Common Core and STEM curriculum? 
September 4, 2018 – November 22, 2018
233 votes
83% Yes (193 votes)
17% No (40 votes)

Online Website Survey #5 – 2018
Did you know you can send a letter of support for libraries to your elected officials?
November 22, 2018 – December 10, 2018
72 votes
65% Yes (47 votes)
35% No (25 votes)

Online Website Survey #6 – 2018
Did you know that if your Library doesn’t have the material you want we may be able to order it for you through Interlibrary Loan?
December 10, 2018 – March 21, 2019
973 votes
87% Yes (848 votes)
13% No (125 votes)

Patron Surveys Online 2017

Online Website Survey #1 – 2017
Do you think the Library’s collections of materials reflect the diversity of the local community?
December 21, 2016 – February 28, 2017
353 votes
82% Yes (288 votes)
18% No (65 votes)

Online Website Survey #2 – 2017
Do you know we have resources for refugees, immigrants and new learners of the English language?
February 29, 2017 – May 3, 2017
342 votes
59% Yes (201 votes)
41% No (141 votes)

Online Website Survey #3 – 2017
Did you know we offer an eLibraryCard for those who want to take advantage of free book & music downloads and databases? You must be 17 or over, call 716-858-8900 for details.
May 4, 2017 - June 27, 2017
411 votes
52% No (215 votes)
48% Yes (196 votes)

Online Website Survey #4 – 2017
Teens, does the library have materials, services & programs that meet your needs and are very good or excellent?
June 28, 2017 – July 25, 2017
121 votes
80% Yes (97 votes)
20% No (24 votes)

Online Website Survey #5 – 2017
Did you know that if the Library doesn’t have the material you want we may be able to order it for you through Interlibrary Loan?
July 26, 2017 – October 24, 2017
1,047 votes
84% Yes (877 votes)
16% No (170 votes)

Online Website Survey #6 – 2017
Did you know you can send a letter of support for libraries to your elected officials?
October 25, 2017 – January 23, 2018
465 votes
56% Yes (260 votes)
44% No (205 votes)

Patron Surveys Distributed in Libraries 2017

Summer Reading Surveys 2017
Caregivers(pdf) | PDF of Survey results | PDF of Responses to the open-ended questions
Adult(pdf) | PDF of Survey results | PDF of Responses to the open-ended questions
Teen(pdf) | PDF of Survey results | PDF of Responses to the open-ended questions
Distributed to all 37 libraries, Summer 2017

Patron Surveys Distributed in Libraries 2016

Planning for the Future-  Library Services for the Next Five Years
PDF of Survey for non-library users | PDF of Survey results
PDF of Survey for library users | PDF of Survey results | PDF of zip codes of survey takers
PDF of Survey for library staff | PDF of Results of focus groups

Summer Reading Surveys 2016
PDF of Caregivers | PDF of Survey results
PDF of Adult PDF of Survey results
PDF of Teen | PDF of Survey results
Distributed to all 37 libraries, Summer 2016

Online Website Survey #1  - 2016
Parents, teachers & caregivers… Do you feel the Library provides access to materials, services & programs that support Common Core and STEM curriculum?
December 24, 2015 –  March 16, 2016
268 votes
84 % Yes (226 votes)
16 % No (42 votes)

Online Website Survey #2 - 2016
My Library is a safe and welcoming place.
March 16, 2016 –  May 13, 2016
713 votes
94% Yes (671 votes)
6%  No (42 votes)

Online Website Survey #3 – 2016
Teens, does the library have materials, services & programs that meet your needs and are very good or excellent?
May 13, 2016 – August 18, 2016
273 votes
79% Yes (216 votes)
21% No (57 votes)

Online Website Survey # 4 – 2016
Adults, does the library have materials, services & programs that meet your needs and are very good or excellent?
August 18, 2016 – October 25, 2016
458 votes
92 % Yes (442 votes)
8 % No  (36 votes)

Online Website Survey # 5 – 2016
Do you think the Library's exhibits & displays featuring rare books are engaging and informative?
October 25, 2016 – (survey is currently open)
42 votes
93% Yes (39 votes)
7% No (3 votes)

Online Website Survey #6 – 2016
Parents, caregivers & teachers – do you feel library materials, services & programs for children ages 5 and under are very good to excellent?
November 4, 2016 – December 20, 2016
188 votes
89% Yes (167 votes)
11% No (21 votes)

Online Website Survey #7 – 2016
Do you think the Library’s collections of materials reflect the diversity of the local community?
December 21, 2016 – open

Patron Surveys Online 2015

Online Website Survey #1
Did you know all 37 Buffalo & Erie County Public Libraries have free WiFi?
January 22, 2015 – March 6, 2015
452 Votes
71% Yes (320 votes)
20% No (132 votes)

Online Website Survey #2
Do you feel the Library System’s collection of materials reflects the diversity of the community?
March 6, 2015 – June 11, 2015
516 votes
85% Yes (438 votes)
15% No (78 votes)

Online Website Survey #3
Do you feel the library website is easy to use?
June 11, 2015 - July 31, 2015
592 votes
66% yes    (393 votes)
24% no     (199 votes)

Online Website Survey #4
I like my library because I can…
August 1, 2015 - November 13, 2015
876 votes
Read & learn….. 20% (177 votes)
Discover….. 4% (36 votes)
Create….. 1% (11 votes)
Research….. 4% (32 votes)
Become informed….. 2% (16 votes)
All of the above….. 69% (604 votes)

Winter 2014/2015 Survey for Patrons and Non-Library Users (Online responses only)
December 5, 2014 – March 6, 2015
Total #of responses: 170
PDF of Survey results.

Patron Surveys Distributed in Libraries 2015

Winter 2014/2015 Survey for Patrons and Non-Library Users (Hardcopy responses only)
December 5, 2014 – March 6, 2015
Total #of responses:  437
PDF of Survey results.

Summer 2015 Survey of Patrons (in library surveys)
Survey Title: PDF of Family Programming | PDF of Survey results
Survey Title: PDF of Children's Programming | PDF of Survey results
Survey Title: PDF of Teen Programming | PDF of Survey results
Survey Title: PDF of Adults Programming | PDF of Survey results
Distributed to all 37 libraries and through the library website (
Summer 2015

Teen Survey fall 2015 - online and hardcopy
Distributed to all 37 libraries and through the library website (
October – November 2015
Total responses: 239
PDF of results.

Patron Surveys Online 2014

Online Website Survey #1
Is the library’s website informative & easy to use?
June 2, 2014 – July 16, 2014
596 votes
74% Yes   (442 votes)
26% No    (154 votes)

Online Website Survey #2
Did you know you can download books, videos and music for free from our website?
July 16, 2014 – August 28, 2014
690 votes
66% Yes   (454 votes)
34% No    (236 votes)

Online Website Survey #3
Did you know libraries offer free computer training?
August 28, 2014 – November 2, 2014
807 votes
67% Yes   (541 votes)
33% No    (266 votes)

Online Website Survey #4
Researching your family history? Did you know we have genealogy databases?
November 2, 2014 - January 22, 2015
672 votes
34% Yes                (226 votes)
66% No                 (446 votes)

Patron Surveys 2013

Patron Survey # 1
Survey Title: General, informational
Distributed in all 37 Libraries
January 22 – February 20, 2013
PDF of Survey results 
PDF of Survey

Patron Survey # 2
Survey Title: Tell Us How We are Doing
Distributed in all 37 libraries 
March 22- April 10, 2013
PDF of Survey results
PDF of survey

Patron Survey #3
Survey Title: Teens - Tell Us How You Liked this Program
Survey Title: Adults - Tell Us How You Liked this Kid’s Program
Survey Title: Adults – Tell Us How You Liked This Family Program
Distributed in all 37 libraries 
July 1 – August 31, 2013
PDF of Survey results
Click here to see the original surveys: survey tell us how family.pdf   survey tell us how teens.pdf,  survey tell us how adults kids pdf

Patron Survey #4
Survey Title: How important is your Library
Distributed in all 37 libraries and through the library website (
September 3 – October 30, 2013
PDF of original survey
PDF of original online survey
PDF of Survey results

Survey #5 (Staff)
Survey Title: Staff Forums
Distributed to Managers, Directors and all Central Staff
January 29, 2014
PDF of Survey results
PDF of original survey

Survey #6
Survey Title: Focus Groups
Distributed in various focus groups and online
January – June 2014
PDF of Survey results
PDF of  patron comments received online
PDF of original survey

Patron Survey #7
Survey Title: Materials Hold Survey
Survey Title: Teens - Is The Library A Welcoming Place?
Survey Title: Adults - Is The Library A Welcoming Place?
Survey Title: Adults – Tell Us How You Liked This Program
Distributed in all 37 libraries and through the library website (
Summer 2014
PDF of Survey results
Click here to see the original surveys: survey materials hold.pdf ; survey welcome space teen.pdf ; survey welcome space adult.pdf ; survey adult program.pdf

Patron Survey #8
Survey Title: Makerspace
Distributed in all 37 libraries and through the library website (
August 2014
PDF of Survey results
PDF of  original survey